Film Information
Year: 2021
Duration: 79'
Language: VOSE
Genre: Documental
The trains in Mumbai look like the last trains on earth, people jumping through the closing doors while those who can’t get in grab onto them. Luckily, one of the cars is for women only. A small film crew enters one of them inviting its female travelers to tell their opinions, confessions and stories. The resulting images transport the viewer to other worlds inhabited by women who freely speak for themselves.
Rebana Liz John is an Indian artist and filmmaker who grew up in Mumbai. Film became his main means of expression while studying at Bangalore’s Srishti College of Art, Design and Technology from 2004 to 2008. Alternating art practice and her studies, becoming interested in the moving image and the narratives that unite and separate visual arts from the professional perspective of art and film. Ladies Only is her graduation project from the Cologne Academy of Fine Arts.