
NETPAC Section

Director: Rahbar Ghanbari
Year: 2017
Duration: 83′
Language: VOSE
Genre : Children’s , Drama

In rural heights, a school receives a warrant from the Ministry of Education, stating that if the required capacity is not fulfilled, the school should shut down. The teacher decides to go to the neighbouring villages, heights and forests in person to convince all the parents that is a must for their children to get educated. When he falls ill, his fiancée steps forward to assist him. But everything gets more complicated and eventually one of the students volunteers to take responsibility for keeping classes running smoothly.

Presentation and colloquium by Menene Gras Balaguer, director of the AFFBCN and director of Culture and Exhibitions of Casa Asia.

Born in 1961, Rahbar Ghanbari is a graduate from Islamic Center for Film Studies. He has been active as a film teacher and filmmaker since the 1980s. Writer and director of fifty short and medium-length films and twelve TV movies, Ghanbari is best known for his The Little Bird Freak (2002) and Growing in the Wind (2012) which was shown and acclaimed in International film festivals. He has won twenty-six awards in national and international film festivals.


Friday 4th October