
Official Panorama Section

Director: Tony Prescott
Year: 2017
Duration: 86′
Language: Original Version / Spanish subtitles
Genre: Drama


A coming of age drama about Charlie and Hugo who are aged in their 20’s and live in a rural town in Central Queensland. They’ve been best friends their whole lives. There’s just one thing – Hugo is Charlie’s imaginary friend. Though their relationship has always been platonic, when Charlie begins to fall for Guy, a producer from the city scouting for a TV documentary series – Hugo realises he’s in love with Charlie. He sets about trying to win her for himself but it’s obvious he can’t compete in the real world. He decides that the only way to win Charlie back is to become real himself. He tests out his boundaries, tries moving objects and learns that he can channel energy when he becomes emotional. But as he moves closer and closer to becoming real, he pushes the girl he loves further away. Talking to someone others can’t see has always caused Charlie to be outcast in her town. In a heartfelt moment with her father, who has been distant since her mother’s tragic death in her childhood, Hugo realises that she can’t grow while he is around. He realises he was meant to help her through that difficult period, not be with her forever.

Director’s Biography

Tony Prescott Tony graduated from a Masters of Film and Video Production from UTS with honours, he was then accepted into the prestigious Australian Film, Television and Radio School to complete the directing course with a distinction. In 2016 Tony completed Legacy – A Ride To Conquer Motor Neurone Disease, a full-length documentary. This film has already captured the hearts of audiences across Australia with its ‘enduring spirit’ tale of two young men facing a terminal disease. Tony’s debut dramatic feature film The Pretend One, the story of a imaginary friend who falls in love with the girl who creates him and fights to become real to win her back was completed in 2017. Having moved to New York and with momentum gathering, Tony is in development for two more films through his production house Tee Pot Films.

Festivals and Awards

2011 BAFTA TV Award por mejor director multi cámara en Coronation Street (1960)
2006 premio al logro especial en los British Soap Awards por sus servicios a la industria.


Saturday 3rd Nov



Secció Oficial Panorama

Director: Tony Prescott
Any: 2017
Durada: 86′
Idioma: VOSE
Gènere: Drama


Drama psicològic on la protagonista comparteix la vida real amb una vida imaginària de la seva invenció, sense que sigui capaç de resoldre el conflicte que experimenta quan no aconsegueix superar la pressió que exerceix sobre ella un dels dos mons que coexisteixen al seu interior. Ella és Charlie, una dona adulta, que té un amic imaginari des de la infància. Es tracta d’Hugo, el qual veu amenaçada la seva existència quan un home real entra en la seva vida i aconsegueix seduir fent que aquesta es trobi atrapada entre les dues figures.

Biografia del Director

Tony Prescott és director i escriptor, conegut per “Coronation Street” (1960), “Emmerdale Farm” (1972) i “Weighed” (2010). El seu treball abasta també anuncis per a televisió i per Internet, documentals entre altres projectes. Ha guanyat el Commonwealth Bank Can Stories pel seu curtmetratge sobre Jessica Mauboy, així com un lloc finalista en Tropfest.

Festivals i Premis

2011 BAFTA TV Award por mejor director multi cámara en Coronation Street (1960)
2006 premio al logro especial en los British Soap Awards por sus servicios a la industria.


Dissabte 3 Nov



Sección Oficial Panorama

Director: Tony Prescott
Año: 2017
Duración: 86′
Idioma: VOSE
Género: Drama


Drama psicológico, cuya protagonista comparte la vida real con una vida imaginaria de su invención, sin que sea capaz de resolver el conflicto que experimenta cuando no logra superar la presión que ejerce sobre ella uno de los dos mundos que coexisten en su inerior. Ella es Charlie, una mujer adulta, que tiene un amigo imaginario desde la infancia. Se trata de Hugo, el cual ve amenazada su existencia cuando un hombre real entra en su vida y consigue seducirla haciendo que ésta se encuentre atrapada entre ambas figuras.

Biografía del director

Tony Prescott es director y escritor, conocido por Coronation Street (1960), Emmerdale Farm (1972) y Weighed (2010). Su trabajo abarca también anuncios para televisión y para Internet, documentales entre otros proyectos. Ha ganado el Commonwealth Bank Can Stories por su cortometraje sobre Jessica Mauboy, así como un puesto finalista en Tropfest.

Festivales y premios

2011 BAFTA TV Award por mejor director multi cámara en Coronation Street (1960)

2006 Premio British Soap Awards por sus servicios a la industria.


Sábado 3 Nov